In an infography, we have represented the 2018 Giro d’Italia peloton, distinguishing MPCC member teams and non-member teams. Amongst member teams, no rider have ever been suspended. Within non-members, 3 already have and 1 is involved in an ongoing procedure!

In the event of every grand tour race or big championships, the MPCC highlights how many riders are part of the movement but also how many riders have been suspended for doping in the past.

The spirit of the MPCC is to regroup teams which on a voluntary basis define stricter rules than international organizations. Amongst those, this one: « Don’t hire riders involved in doping cases and banned for more than 6 months, except no-shows, in the two years following the suspension. »

On the 2019 Giro d’Italia, MPCC members chose not to pick any riders previously suspended for doping. This choice matches the philosophy of the movement, thus fostering cycling’s credibility. There are 11 MPCC members on this year’s Giro d’Italia, representing 50% of the peloton.

Three riders have been suspended in the past and are, despite this, competing in the Giro d’Italia. Last year, only one rider was in this situation. In addition, a fourth rider – also part of a non-MPCC team – has been excluded from the race because of an ongoing procedure.