Stakeholders : Former Staff
TEAMS UCI : World Teams (7) | Pro Teams (16) | Continental Teams (15) | Women's World Teams (4) | Women's Pro Teams (7) | Women's Continental Teams (5)
OTHER : Agents (6) | Federations (4) | Race Organizers (11) | Sponsors (8) | Sympathizers/a> (15) | Media Sympathizers (5) | Supporters (2)
They are stakeholders of the MPCC: 143 former staff people
BackANASTOPOULOS Vasileios Performance Manager Greece
BAILLY Sébastien Women Sport France
BAKKER Jeroen Strength Expert Netherlands
BARROW Richard Mechanic Canada
BART Koen Commerce Netherlands
BELL Zachary Sport Director Canada
BENNEKOU Morten Coach Trainer Denmark
BIGNON Eric Mechanic France
BINGE Servaas Doctor Belgium
BIZET Alain Sport Assistant France
BLAUDZUN Michael Sports Director Denmark
BOLGIANI Yvonnick Sport Director France
BOUVAT Éric Doctor France
BREUKINK Erik Sport Manager Netherlands
BRÜCKNER Tina Textile Technologies Specialist Germany
CABEDO José Sport Director Spain
CAILLARD Baptiste Coach France
CHERENKOV Vladislav Mechanic Russia
CHOVELON Marc Consultant France
CHURIN Pascal Bus Driver France
Coolen-Waaijer Tyscha Project manager Netherlands
CROWE Fitzalan VP of Marketing and Sponsorship USA
DACHY Mattijs Technical Manager Belgium
DALLEST Maxime Physiotherapist France
DARLING PARKES Gary Equipe médicale Great-Britain
DAVERVELD Patrick Assistant Netherlands
DE BRUIJN Romy Business Netherlands
DE DECKER Jens Doctor Belgium
DE HAAM Koen Trainer Coach Netherlands
DE JONG Andy Operations Netherlands
DE LANGE Bart Soigneur Netherlands
DECRION Jacques Trainer Coach France
DEKKER Berteld Mechanic Netherlands
DIMITROV Dimitar Supervising officer Bulgaria
DROSTE Jan-Niklas Doctor Germany
DUIJN Huub Coach Netherlands
EDLER Christopher Doctor Germany
EIJKELENKAMP Joyce Assistant Netherlands
ELIJZEN Michiel Trainer Coach Netherlands
ENGOULVENT Jimmy Sport Director France
FLICKINGER Andy Sport Director France
FONTANA Federico Head of Performance Italy
FOREST Stephan Sport Director France
GAGNIER Patrick Sport director France
GALEANO Edgar Doctor Colombia
GROENEWOLD Roderik Physiotherapist Netherlands
HABETS Stef Press Relations Netherlands
HEEEMSKERK Pim Mechanic Netherlands
HELMANTEL Adriann Trainer Coach Netherlands
HERVE Edouard Osteopath France
JAARTSVELD Aaron Operations Netherlands
JANSSEN Ingo Commerce Netherlands
KHAMIDULIN Renat Manager Russia
KIRILTSEV Vladimir Sporting Director Russia
KNOPS Jorn Head of performance Netherlands
KNUTSON Richard Mechanic USA
KROMANN Steffen CEO Denmark
LABORDERIE Jean-Marc Doctor France
LE CALVE Grégoire Sport Director / Coach France
LEACH Jemima Soigneur Great-Britain
LELANGUE John General Manager Belgium
LORENA Adarve Doctor Colombia
MAINGUENAUD Michael Mechanic France
MALENFANT Anthony Mechanic France
MARAFFI Samuel Doctor France
MARCHETTI Roberto Sport Director Switzerland
MARKOV Aleksei Sports Director Russia
MEGRET Armand MPCC's Doctor France
MENUET Jean-Jacques Doctor France
MIKHAILOVSKII Andrei Physiotherapist Russia
MOFFA Tony Mechanic Ireland
MOODLEY Karselle Brand Manager South Africa
MOONEY Austin Soigneur Ireland
MORIN David Assistant France
MOTTAIS Jacky Doctor France
MULIER Mathieu Medical France
MZARI Samy Doctor France
NAEFF Mannes Docteur Netherlands
NEVILLE Kelly Assistant USA
NIELSEN Hanne Algot Team coordinateur Denmark
NIJDEKEN Rob Bus Driver Netherlands
OKSAM Laura Commerce Netherlands
OLIVEIRA Kevin Mechanic USA
PAKURA Sergey Physiotherapist Russia
PAUCHARD Gilles Sport Director France
PEIJS Bas Doctor Netherlands
PERROT Stéphane France
PETERSEN Jesper Mechanics Denmark
PETROV Evgeny Sports Director Russia
PHILIPPIVICH Dmitry Mechanic Russia
POITSCHKE Enrico Sport Director Germany
PONCET Anthony Assistant organisation France
POZDNIAKOV Illarion Physiotherapist Russia
PREVOST Tony Partnerships et communication director France
PRISHPETNYY Alexandr Mechanic Russia
RABELLE Stephane Assistant France
REEF Peter Head of Communication Netherlands
RENFER Michel Sport director Switzerland
RIBBERS Arjan Coach Netherlands
RIMASSON Gabrielle Staff France
ROSTAING Frédéric Manager France
RUNHART Yannick Warehouse Manager Netherlands
SAMARIN Alexander Mechanic Russia
SANQUER Yvon Treasurer France
SCHEIJEN Robin Nutrition expert Netherlands
SCHWARTZ Steven Service Course Manager USA
SERGEANT Marc Sport Manager Belgium
SEROV Aleksandr Sports Director Russia
SERRE Florent Physiotherapist France
SKELDE Michael Sports Director Denmark
SKROCE Kristina Coach Croatia
SLIWA Soren Press Relations Denmark
SOLADAY Thomas Communications Director USA
STEFFEN Prentice Doctor USA
STEPHENS Brian Trainer Coach Australia
SUAREZ ALBARRACIN Camilo Andres Colombia
TE POELE Karlijn Nutrition Expert Netherlands
TIMOTEJ Jon Osteopath Denmark
TJALLINGII Maarten Manager Netherlands
TOLEDO Guillermo Doctor Hungary
TRAJBER Franck Financial director France
Van Glabeke Shana Sport Director Belgium
VAN LIER Susette Front office Manager Netherlands
VAN OOSTVELDT Katje Doctor Belgium
VAN SLYCKE Jens Assistant Belgium
VAN UUM Niels Service course Netherlands
VAN ZINNEN Froukje Soigneur Paramedical Assistant Netherlands
VAN ZOELEN Maurice Mechanic Netherlands
VANASSCHE Christophe Sport Director Belgium
VAUBOURZEIX Thomas Sport director France
VEELERS Tom Coach Netherlands
VERDONCK Simon Doctor Belgium
VERHAGEN Ruud Sport Director Netherlands
VEYHE Torkil Performance Manager Denmark
VROEMEN Guido Docteur Netherlands
WAAIJER Tysch Event Manager Netherlands
WERMINK Jan Head of Business strategy Netherlands
WIJSEN Roger Cook Netherlands
WOOD Ryan Assistant USA
YVEN Kevin Data Analyst France
ZABALO Xabier Coach Spain
ZANE Freebairn Mechanic USA
ZAYKOV Hristo Sport director France
BOERRIGTER Matijs Physiotherapist and manual therapist Netherlands
DESMASURES Thibault marketing & commercial director France
PINEAU Jérôme Manager France
PINEAU Sébastien Deputy manager France
RENAUD Alban Coach France
SURALOV Andriy Mechanic Russia
THIEBOT Guillaume Osteopath France
VALUEV Gennadii Physiotherapist Russia